1. When will my order ship?

Regular orders will be shipped in 3-7 business days, while personalized orders will be shipped in 10-15 business days.

2. When will I receive my order?

Regular shipping takes 15-20 days, door-to-door delivery including customs & tax.

Expedited shipping takes 5-7 days, deliver to the door, but is tax-exclusive.

3. Where do you ship to?

Currently, we ship to the following countries;

USA, Canada, Australia

Hongkong(China), Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,

Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, UK

4. Can I redirect my order once it’s been shipped?

Unfortunately, we can’t redirect orders once they have been shipped. Please ensure that your shipping address is correct when placing the order and that the address includes Suite # or Apartment #

5. How is my personalization going to appear?

Our product photos should give you a good idea of the personalization style and placement. But If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact  support@leyiyougifts.com or send a message to WhatsApp, and one of our friendly customer service people will be happy to help you.

6. What are the image requirements for photo personalization?

  • We accept images with extension .gif .jpg .jpeg .png.
  • Please try to use the best-quality image possible. Check the individual product descriptions for recommended resolution. If your image is below the minimum resolution/size requirements, do not simply increase the size in your editing software. You must either rescan the image or use a higher-quality image.
  • When scanning in photographs, please use a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. When taking digital images, set your camera at the highest possible resolution. You can always reduce the resolution later. Low-resolution images cannot be increased without loss of image quality.
  • Your image will be reproduced as it appears. In some cases, we may crop the image for size, to fit the product you order. However, we will not color correct, retouch or otherwise crop your image. For the best results, we ask that you edit the photo to the sizes and aspect ratio suggested in the product descriptions.
  • Close-ups and images with bright colors will produce the best results.
  • We cannot reproduce copyrighted photos and images.
  • We reserve the right to refuse any objectionable material. We will not reproduce materials that are deemed by our staff to be offensive or obscene.

7. Does the packing slip include pricing information?

We do not include pricing information on our packing slip (which is great if you are sending a gift straight to the recipient).

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